Trans porn is not gay porn. It used to be far-right Christians who pushed vaginas on gays... not leftists are doing the same. homoSEXuality = SEX WITH THE SAME SEX.
Given that gender and sex are different, trans' sex remains the same post transition or despite what gender they identify with. They may identify as "men" but having sex with them is not, by definition, a homosexual act.
If that's not true, do they disagree that sex and gender are different?
They won't answer that, their brains will short-circuit! 😂 Trans people deserve all respect; but leftists also have to respect the fact that gays, by definition, don't like vaginas.
So you recognize you support Trump, you also support that vaginas must be pushed on gays. Thanks for just confirming what I said: you're on the same side of far-right Christians.
Even leftist scholars are recognizing it: trans invading spaces of women, gays and lesbians, all the extremism is a top factor of why the left and liberals are being fragmented and empowering the right. Accepting trans rights in a political LGBT movement is very different from accepting trans in gay SEX spaces. If you want to mix that up and don't want to respect that gays don't want to see vaginas, feel free, but there sure will be conflicts and will backfire. You're a top reason for things like Trump being elected. I'm just telling you what things are, don't complain when the left is thrown in the sewage with you.
What a nonsense. Those tare transmen. They are men. You know. men. So they are also welcome on this GAY porn website as well. Who are you? That you think you can make up the rules on here?
This is a place for GAY porn. There are separate categories for a reason. If you want to defend that gays must see and like vaginas and other extremist ideas (as fundamentalist Christians do), go for it, but then don't complain that gays vote for Trump, as you're turning allies into enemies.
Given that gender and sex are different, trans' sex remains the same post transition or despite what gender they identify with. They may identify as "men" but having sex with them is not, by definition, a homosexual act.
If that's not true, do they disagree that sex and gender are different?
They won't answer that, their brains will short-circuit! 😂 Trans people deserve all respect; but leftists also have to respect the fact that gays, by definition, don't like vaginas.